Breaks Down Language Barriers

Argentum Translations Breaks Down Language Barriers in the Fight Against COVID-19

Almost one year after the World Health Organization identified the coronavirus pandemic as a public health emergency, Argentum Translations keeps joining efforts to break down language barriers and keep our Hispanic community safe and involved in Asheville, North Carolina. Keeping our entire community informed and together is the only way we can fight the pandemic and slow the spread of the coronavirus. We will be volunteering as Spanish Interpreters with the Western Interpreter Network (WIN) in a few vaccination events around the area in the coming weeks, as we keep translating public health content and patient information on a regular basis to keep supporting global health organizations and local efforts in their fight against COVID-19.

Cynthia and Paula Penovi from Argentum Translations strive to see their community access COVID-19 information in a language and format that they understand. That is why they have coordinated their company’s efforts to translate urgent and essential coronavirus information for their local community and the whole Hispanic population around the United States. For instance, they have helped local healthcare organizations and departments translate the 3 Ws (Wear, Wait and Wash) in a way that would resonate with the Hispanic community: las 3 “M” (mascarilla puesta, mantener distancia y manos limpias).


Pictures courtesy of JMPRO TV, a grassroots media company that covers pressing issues affecting the Hispanic community in Western North Carolina.

Learn more with this note about the last vaccination event targeted at our local Hispanic community and our work as Spanish Interpreters, by Enlace Latino NC (Spanish).

Enlace Latino NC is an independent nonprofit news organization in Spanish that covers politics, government, immigration, and community affairs in North Carolina.

WIN is a program of the WCMS Foundation with the purpose of breaking language barriers to improve access to care and reduce health disparities.

One of our values is our deep commitment to improving the lives of our community members, and we are very proud and excited to continue to work towards this goal with all these amazing companies and organizations!

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